SKU: SKU:153281-Full
2011-2015 Canada $20 for $20 & $25 for $25 20-coin Set, Deluxe Case & Folders (No Tax)
2011-2015 Canada $20 for $20 & $25 for $25 20-coin Set, Deluxe Case & Folders (No Tax)
◎ Not Available
The Royal Canadian Mint's new custom collector case holds all 20 coins from our 2011-2015 Face Value series of $20 for $20 and $25 for $25 coins. You'll never have trouble locating your collectibles, displaying your collection, or identifying which pieces to seek out on the secondary market. The well-appointed case includes a flocked tray with spaces for each of the 20 coins. The tray lifts up to provide storage for coin folders.
Using specialized UV technology, we created a design that provides the look, texture, and warmth of wood without the steep price-while also allowing us to reproduce the coin images and artwork in full colour directly on the inside of the cover.
And now you will know if you are missing one of the Royal Canadian Mint's special $20 for $20 and $25 for $25 coins, an opportunity for you to complete the set!
Special Features:
The dimensions of the case are: 226 mm x 191 mm x 62 mm.
The perfect place to store and show off your collection of Face Value Series coins.
Allows you to easily reference the entire series so that you can fill each space and complete your collection.
Designed to hold the 20-coin series of $20 for $20 and $25 for $25 Face Value coins.
Full-colour images on the inside lid highlight each coin's packaging graphics and feature an image of each coin, so you know exactly where to put each collectible and can enjoy the entire series at a glance.
Fabricated from specialized paperboard enhanced using spot-raised ultraviolet technology to lend it a wood grain texture. Lid is embossed with the Royal Canadian Mint logo and word mark. Front of case is custom-embossed with "2011-2015 COLLECTOR SET/ ENSEMBLE DE COLLECTION 2011-2015"
Coin images are ordered so that you can place your coins in the proper spaces!
2011 $20 for $20 Maple Leaf
2011 $20 for $20 Canoe
2012 $20 for $20 Polar Bear
2012 $20 for $20 Diamond Jubilee
2012 $20 for $20 Farewell to the Penny
2012 $20 for $20 Reindeer
2013 $20 for $20 Hockey
2013 $20 for $20 Wolf
2013 $20 for $20 Iceberg
2013 $20 for $20 Santa
2014 $20 for $20 Canada Goose
2014 $20 for $20 Bobcat
2014 $20 for $20 Summertime
2014 $20 for $20 Snowman
2015 $25 for $25 Canadian Flag
2015 $20 for $20 FIFA
2015 $20 for $20 Bugs Bunny
2015 $20 for $20 Superman
2015 $20 for $20 Gingerbread Man
2016 $25 for $25 Winter Fun
Includes a bottom tray with a special cut out for you to store your $20 for $20 and $25 for $25 coin graphic folders that are art works in themselves!